Communication is key! Discover the difference between a healthy relationship and dating abuse.

Hookup Tip by Vianey

Being comfortable, secure and honest with your partner are some of the most important aspects of having a healthy relationship.

Healthy Relationships should exercise:

  • expressing love and safety
  • honesty and emotional support
  • as well as the acceptance of your needs and goals in life.

Dating abuse can occur in many forms -- financial, social, physical, emotional, and sexual. One warning sign of an abusive relationship is if you feel that your  partner has an excessive amount of control over your actions. 

If you believe that you're in an abusive relationship, there's advice and help available here.

Remember communication is key! It's important to understand your partner and have your partner understand you. Check out resources to build a healthy relationship.

Hookup en Español! Comunicarse es clave! Descrubre la diferencia entre una relación sana y el maltrato de pareja @

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