Masturbation is totally normal for girls + guys, healthy, and completely safe!

Masturbation is a great way for a person to start discovering more about their body before and after they become sexually active with another person—for both girls and guys. And it has health benefits too!

Did you know that masturbation…

Can be good for mental and physical health. People who feel good about their bodies, sex, and masturbation are more likely to protect themselves from STDs and unintended pregnancy.

Helps to relieve stress. When engaging in sexual activity, our body releases endorphins, which produce pleasure and relax us. Therefore, masturbation can also help you sleep. Obviously you probably shouldn’t try to rely on it as your #1 stress reliever though, that wouldn’t be so healthy!

Relieves sexual tension, especially for those who are in relationships but have chosen to abstain from having sex and yet are still finding it difficult to stick to doing so. Feeling comfortable enough to be able to masturbate will ease a lot of the sexual frustration you and your partner may sometimes feel when the two of you are together.

Eases menstrual cramps. It turns out that the strength and intensity of the orgasm, as well as the hormones released during sexual excitement can all play a part in lessening the pain. Who knew! 

And remember, you can still be sexually active and masturbate, so don’t let that keep you from getting tested or picking up some free condoms!