Missed Your Period and Don't Know What To do Next?

HookUp tip by Kahmaria

If you've missed your period and you are worried that you might be pregnant, don't panic. As a teen in California, you have options and there are teen-friendly health care providers that can help you decide your next move. 

The first question you should ask yourself is whether you've recently started a new birth control method, like an IUD, implant, shot, or pill. Some birth control methods may affect your regular menstrual cycle, especially if you are still adjusting to the method. If you have questions about what to expect, or whether missing your period is normal, you should talk to your health care provider. 

However, if you've had unprotected sex or are worried that your birth control method might have failed and that you could be pregnant, you should take a pregnancy test. You can find a clinic near you to get confidential services including pregnancy tests. Be sure to ask your health care provider about your options if you do find out you are pregnant. Remember, abortion is legal for teens in California, and the decision is up to you. You don't need anyone's permission to get an abortion, and no one can force you to get one or to place your baby up for adoption. Learn more here

To avoid pregnancy scares in the future, the only foolproof method is abstaining from sex. However, there are plenty of very effective birth control methods out there to prevent unintended pregnancy, like these long-term reversible methods. And don't forget the condom for protection against STDs and as a backup birth control method!