Not sure if your relationship is ready to go to the "next level?"

HookUp tip by Amber

Deciding to have sex for the first time is a big deal. It's a decision you not only need to make yourself, but you need to make sure that your girlfriend/boyfriend/partner is on the same page. Making sure you are ready doesn't necessarily look the same for everyone, but if you are following the below steps, you are at least on the right track! 

1. You are in a healthy relationship where you are open, honest, and communicative with your partner. This means that you communicate about having sex as well - remember, if you aren't ready to talk about sex, you probably aren't ready to have sex. 

2. You/your partner is on birth control. Unplanned pregnancy is a real consequence to having unplanned, unsafe sex. Learn more about your options here

3. You and your partner are STD-free and ready to use condoms! Even if you are both virgins, it's not a bad idea to go to the clinic to make sure you understand how to use condoms properly and when you should go get tested to be on the safe side. 

4. You and your partner are both ready and willing to have sex. Consenting to sex isn't just a one-time thing. You and your partner need to actively consent to having sex every single time! 

And even if all of these steps are crossed off your list, that doesn't mean you have to have sex. Remember, abstinence is the only perfect way to prevent pregnancy and STDs.