Have you had “The Talk” with your folks?

Want to spark a conversation with your parent or guardian about birth control?

Well, TV shows like Cougar Town might give you the perfect opportunity. The Thanksgiving special of ABC’s Cougar Town tackled the issue of “The Talk”. Travis brings his new girlfriend, Kylie, to to meet the family. To make this introduction extra special, mother Jules and company find themselves giving the new couple an impromptu lesson on birth control.

Can you say awkward? Well yes, who wouldn’t be embarrassed if your mom brought up your future sex life in front of family? But wouldn’t it be great if your parent or guardian provided factual, non-biased information about sexual health?

Teens say parents are their #1 influence when it comes to decisions about sex. Now I understand that not all teens and their parents or guardians share the same values and beliefs about sexuality, but it doesn’t hurt to “test the waters” to see if an honest conversation about sex is possible.

For helpful tips to start a convo visit the "How do I have "The Talk"  with my parents" section here on TeenSource.

Oh one more thing…if your parent or guardian is the one being a bit awkward try a subtle hint like writing on a post-it: Hey Mom, TalkWithYourKids.org –check it out. And let’s talk later. Love always, ME