Teen Dating Abuse: 4 False Myths about Relationships

Dating abuse is really common among teens; about 1 in 3 high school students have been or will be involved in an abusive relationship. An abusive relationship is when one partner tries to have power or control over the other. The abuse isn’t always physical, it can be emotional too. When you are young and dating for the first time, sometimes it can be hard to tell the difference between when a guy or girl wants to be around you all of the time because they really like you or because they are trying to have control over you. Read these dating myths to help figure out the difference.

Myth #1: It is a good idea to give my boyfriend/girlfriend the password to my Myspace or facebook page. FALSE. You never have to give your password to anybody, including the person you are dating. Your email account, Myspace and/or facebook pages are your personal pages and you have the right to keep them private. Giving the person you are dating your password will not make you “closer” or show how much you trust them. Your partner should respect your privacy and personal space, not try to invade it.

Myth #2: It is understandable that my boyfriend/girlfriend doesn’t want me to talk to anyone of the opposite sex; they love me so much that they get jealous if they see me talking to anyone else. FALSE. You have the right to talk to anyone you want to. Just because you are in a relationship doesn’t mean that you can’t talk to a person of the opposite sex. Extreme jealousy and possessiveness are in no way romantic and are not a part of a health relationship, they could even be early signs of an abusive relationship.

Myth #3: It is okay that I never go out or see my friends anymore; my boyfriend/girlfriend is the most important person in my life and is the only one who really matters. FALSE. It is always important to have friends, no matter what your partner says. Your boyfriend/girlfriend should never have control over who you hang out with or stop you from seeing people. Trying to keep you from seeing your family and friends is a sign of an unhealthy relationship.

Myth #4: It is okay that my boyfriend/girlfriend calls and text me all the time to know where I am, who I am with, and what I am doing; they just want to know what I am up to. FALSE. Your boyfriend or girlfriend doesn’t need to know where you are every second of everyday. Your boyfriend or girlfriend shouldn’t have control over where you go and what you do. Excessive texts and phone calls are not normal and may be an indicator that you are not in a healthy relationship. If you think that you or someone you know might be in an abusive relationship, find a way to get help. These links about Teen Dating Abuse might help: National Teen Dating Abuse Helpline

Teen Dating Violence

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Teen Dating Bill of Rights

Break the Cycle