New Year’s Resolutions: 3 Ways to Stay Active in 2019

Happy 2019! After ending 2018 strong by giving back over winter break, make it your resolution to keep the momentum going by taking action this year.

Here are 3 ways to make 2019 your most active year yet:

  1. Participate in a local Women’s March! Marches will take place all around the country on January 19, 2019. From the first demonstration in 2017, the mission of the Women’s March is to “harness the political power of diverse women and their communities to create transformative social change.”  What better way to stand up for sexual and reproductive health access, and other issues you believe in, than joining millions around the country and the world to stand up for your rights? Grab a friend, make some signs, and find a march near you!
  2. Many newly elected legislators and local officials are taking office this January-- find out who your elected representatives are and follow them on social media to keep up with where they stand on the issues you care about.
  3. Get involved! Sign up to write a guest blog entry for TeenSource and get your work published online, or pick an issue you care about and find somewhere local to volunteer!

Have other plans to stay active this year? Share with us on Instagram @TeenSourceOrg or on Twitter @teensource!