Always respect NO for an answer. It’s not a game they’re playing, they mean it! No means NO.

Choosing when and who to have sex with is an important personal decision.  YOU and only YOU should decide when you are ready to have sex.  Don’t feel guilty about saying NO to someone you don’t want to have sex with. 

Unfortunately, some people may not want to accept NO for an answer.  You’ll be surprised to know that most victims of rape and sexual assault are NOT raped by strangers.  In fact, most of victims are raped by someone they know. 

Effects of rape and sexual assault may include: depression, drug abuse, STD’s, unwanted pregnancies, self-harm, suicide, eating disorders, and other serious health conditions

If you are a victim of rape and sexual assault or feel like you are in danger of becoming one, take action right away! There are many people who can help you and listen to you.  It is not okay to be sexually violated, and it’s very okay to do something about it!