Are You Getting Comprehensive Sex Ed?

Some schools offer great sex ed and others are missing the mark but for the last three years, the law has required comprehensive sex ed.

Since 2016, the California Healthy Youth Act (also known as CHYA or “Chaya”) requires public schools to teach comprehensive sex education at least ONCE in middle school and ONCE in high school. In 2019, this will include charter schools as well. And by “comprehensive,” we mean you should be getting information about:

  • Sexual harassment, sexual assault, and sex trafficking
  • Adolescent relationship abuse, intimate partner violence and sexual coercion
  • Sexual orientation and sexuality
  • Gender identity, gender roles and gender stereotypes
  • Healthy relationships
  • Consent, communication and healthy decision-making
  • HIV prevention and other STD prevention including testing and treatment
  • Pregnancy prevention, parenting, adoption and abortion
  • Local health care services

If you feel like you’re not getting the full scoop when it comes to sex ed – like conversations about healthy relationships, decision-making, and more, you need to speak up and speak out.

It is your RIGHT to receive this information!

If you aren’t getting this information tell us and we can help you make sure your school is providing comprehensive sex education and following the law.

For more information on the CA Health Youth Act visit:

Learn more about other rights you have as a California youth to get sexual and reproductive health care.