Curious about the HPV vaccine? It’s 3 separate shots, and works to prevent cancer in people of all genders.

First things first: HPV, or Human Papillomavirus, is a very common STD that can be transmitted during sexual contact. It has several different strains, and some of them can cause genital warts and others can cause cancer. Most people don’t know that they have HPV.

Fortunately, there is a vaccine that can protect people of ALL genders from the most common strains of HPV! You can get the vaccine in a series of three shots, and it works to prevent transmission of the two most common strains of HPV that can cause genital warts, and the two most common strains that can cause cancer. It doesn’t matter if you aren’t sexually active yet, either. If you get the vaccine now, it will work to protect you in the future.

The HPV vaccine doesn’t protect you from other strains of HPV or from other sexually transmitted infections. If you’re having sex, using a condom is the best way to protect yourself from any other STDs.

Interested in the HPV vaccine? Talk to a healthcare provider at a clinic near you to learn more!