Did you know that condoms have an expiration date? Don't forget to check the package before you open it!

Using condoms during sex is a cheap and effective way to prevent unwanted pregnancies and sexually transmitted diseases (STDs).  But just like all other birth control methods, you should know how to properly use condoms and how to check that they are in perfect condition. 

The reality is that there isn't a birth control method that is 100% effective.  In fact, the only 100% effective way to prevent an unwanted pregnancy or an STD is by NOT having sex. However if you are seriously considering having sex or if you have already started having sex, there are other methods out there that are effective. 

If you're using condoms,the only birth control method that can prevent pregnancy and protect you from getting or giving an STD, be sure to check that the condoms are in good condition.  Just like food expires, condoms expire too, and using expired or damaged condoms is the same as having sex without a condom. 

Here are some tips that will ensure that you are using condoms correctly, so that you are truly protected:

  1. Condoms should be stored in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight. Purses, backpacks, bedside drawers are all good spots for them! Wallets carried inside your back pocketor yourglove compartment are definitely NOT good spots!
  2. Condoms can only be used once and one at a time. Don't ever use twocondoms together – this only increases the chance of them breaking.
  3. Never let Vaseline or oil-based products come in contact with latex condoms, because oils put microscopic holes in the latex.
  4. Make sure to check the expiration date on the condom package and squeeze the package to see if there is still air inside it before opening.
  5. If the condom looks damaged, brittle, or discolored, throw it away and use a new condom.

Also check out the CAP program, which lets teens in certain areas access and order free condoms online.