Did your condom break? You can now get emergency contraception without a prescription at a pharmacy near you!

¿Se rompió tu condón? Puedes conseguir anticonceptivos de emergencia sin receta en una farmacia cercana.

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When a condom breaks during intercourse, don’t panic. There is still a solution to the problem.

  • If your condom broke, take emergency contraception (EC) as soon as possible.  There are different brands of EC, but the brand Plan B One-Step is available without any age restrictions, over-the-counter at your local pharmacy. The emergency contraception pill is effective up to 72 hours after having unprotected sex, but the sooner you take it, the better it works.   For more information about emergency contraception go to Not-2-late.com
  • EC is also available at your local clinic! Click here to find a clinic near you.
  • If you have had unprotected sex, it is also important that you get an HIV and a STD test.

Remember, proper condom maintenance is important. Don’t leave condoms in very hot or cold places or a purse or wallet for long periods of time, check the expiration date, and don’t use oil based lubricants.

 For more info visit Teensource for FREE CONDOMS and other resources!