If you have been sexually assaulted and need help, don't think you're alone. You can call (800) 656-HOPE.

Hookup Tip from Justin, 18

Date rape is defined as forced sex between the victim and someone they know. This could include partners, dates, friends, friends of friends, or general acquaintances. It is the most common form of rape.

Many women do not report their rape as a crime because may they feel embarrassed or afraid. Some women may not even realize that what they experienced was rape.

One way to protect yourself from date rape, never leave your drinks unattended at a party and do not accept drinks prepared by other people in case they have put drugs in your drink. This could be any drink—a canned soda, even bottled water.  If you do leave your drink unattended, throw it away. That way you don’t forget and take a sip.  Always better to play it safe, especially with your health!

If you are a victim of date rape, there are there are resources available to you. You can visit RAINN or call their 24-hour hotline at (800) 656-HOPE.

Need more support? Teensource.org has more links for you to check out here!