Know the risks: An untreated STD now can lead to problems having babies later.

STDs are very common among teenagers.  But, you can’t tell if someone has an STD by looking at them.  Some STDs have symptoms like bumps, sores, pain while peeing or abnormal discharge. But some don’t have any symptoms or if they do, they may difficult to see or feel. Many teens don’t know they have an STD until they have a test.

If you find out you have an STD, you can get treatment (medicine) at the clinic as well. The treatment is usually free.  It’s important to get treatment as soon as possible because some STDs can cause very serious health problems unless medicine is taken right away.  Some of these serious health problems are not being able to have babies and certain kinds of cancer.

Learn more about different STDs, how you can get them or give them to other people and how you can help protect yourself and others from getting an STD.