Making choices that don't seem right to you? Learn how to recognize and prevent peer pressure.

Hookup Tip from Vianey, 15

What Is Peer Pressure?

Peer pressure is the feeling that someone is pushing you toward making a certain choice, good or bad.

Peers play a large role in social and emotional development, beginning at an early age. Peer pressure can affect anyone, anywhere, and at any time.  Adolescents often fall victim to peer pressure due to wanting to "fit in" and "be cool.". However, giving in to peer pressure can lead to negative effects, such as substance abuse or unprotected sex. Signs of peer pressure include increased irritability, behavior that seems out of character, and sudden changes in attitude.

How Can I Prevent Peer Pressure?

  • Surround yourself with positive people, who encourage a smart, safe, and confident lifestyle.
  • Communication is key - learn to speak up for yourself if something just doesn’t feel right.
  • Make goals that you want to achieve and remind yourself to stay on track!

For more information on how to deal with Peer Pressure, you can visit :