The Nuva ring is put into the vagina to prevent pregnancy

The contraceptive ring (brand name ‘Nuva’ ring) is a thin, flexible, plastic ring that a woman wears inside the vagina to keep from getting pregnant. A woman can’t feel it inside her. Most men can’t feel it either. It is called the once a month method because a new ring is used once every month. It comes in one size that works for most women. The ring has two hormones in it: estrogen and progestin. The hormones slowly go into the woman's body through the skin in her vagina.

The ring works to prevent pregnancy. But it does not protect against HIV and other STDs. If you are having sex with someone who might give you a sexually transmitted infection, use a condom.

Some medicines may keep the ring from working as well. If you see a doctor for any reason, tell the doctor that you are using the ring.


  • The ring is very good at preventing pregnancy.
  • You only have to put the ring in once a month.
  • The ring does not interrupt having sex.
  • The ring may make periods lighter and less "crampy".
  • The ring may make acne better.
  • The ring helps protect against cancer of the ovary and cancer of the uterus.
  • The ring does not cause any serious health problems in most women.

Get more information about the contraceptive ring, including possible side effects and warning signs.