Watch-out 4 eachother at parties: Friends don’t let friends hookup drunk.

The truth is that alcohol can make your thinking cloudy.  This can make it harder to make good decisions “in the moment.”  

Having sex is a big decision.  You want to make sure it’s the right decision for you and that you’re protecting yourself from STDs and unintended pregnancy if you decide to do it.  The best way to do that is to make that decision when you and your partner are sober.  You and your friends can help each other out at parties by keeping an eye on each other.  Here are a couple tips:

  1. Before going to a party, make a plan with your friends on how you’re all getting home together-and stick to it!
  2. At the party, keep an eye on each other.  Make sure you always know where the others are.  If you see a friend involved in something that causes you to worry, pull him/her aside and let him/her know.

Make sure you and your friends have clear heads when you’re making decisions about sex!

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