You can protect yourself from HPV with a vaccine!

What is HPV?

There are over 150 different types of Human Papillomavirus (HPV), but only a few of those cause genital warts. Other types of HPV can cause cervical cancer.

How do you get HPV?

Any skin-to-skin contact with infected areas can pass along HPV, even if the person who has HPV doesn’t have any visible warts or other symptoms. You can also get it from oral, vaginal, or anal sex.

How can you protect yourself from getting HPV?

HPV can infect areas that are not covered by a condom - so condoms may not fully protect against HPV.

The best way to avoid genital warts and other types of HPV is to get the HPV vaccine, which is available for youth between 9 and 26 years old for free or at a reduced cost atmany clinics in California.

The only method that is 100% effective in preventing STDs is abstinence, but if you’re sexually active, you can also decrease your risk of genital warts and other types of HPV by being mutually monogamous with someone who does not have HPV or who has had the HPV vaccine.  

Learn more about HPV, including how common it is and how to treat HPV here.