Your questions about Herpes, answered

Genital herpes is an infection caused by a virus (a kind of germ).

  • You get the herpes virus by having sex with someone who has it.
  • It can be spread by having vaginal, anal, or oral sex. It can also be spread by touching the infected area of someone who has it.
  • It causes small, painful sores or blisters. The sores can come and go, but once you get herpes, the virus is always in your body.

This doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy a loving, close relationship with someone. It does means you have to learn about herpes and know how to take care of yourself. Sometimes people with herpes completely stop having any sores or blisters. This can happen if they take good care of their health. It can also happen if they take the right medicine.


Most people with herpes get signs of the infection, but some people don't. Most people get blisters or sores. They can show up in any of these places:

  • The vagina or penis
  • The thighs or buttocks
  • The mouth

These blisters or sores are different for everyone: Some people get a painful rash of blisters or sores.

Some get only a blister or two that just itch. Some people feel like they have the flu along with the blisters. The sores and blisters will heal.

Some people get the sores only once. Some people get them many times. Even when you have no sores or blisters, the herpes virus is in your body, and you can pass herpes to others.

Long-Term Effects

Herpes cannot be cured. It can cause these problems:

  • You can pass it on to others.
  • Your baby could get herpes while being born if you have an infection in your vagina around the time you are going to deliver the baby. If this happen, you and your doctor will decide what kind of delivery would be best for the baby.
  • If you have herpes and get pregnant: talk to your doctor about the best way to reduce the chances of getting the herpes sores while you are pregnant and how to be healthy for you and your baby.


Genital herpes can't be cured, but there are medicines that will usually help the sores heal more quickly. Some medicines may also make the blisters come less often, stay a shorter time, and be less painful.