Condoms Help Reduce the Risk of Genital Herpes

New research shows that using condoms during vaginal and anal sex helps reduce the risk of genital herpes. This is good news for lots of young people; genital herpes is one of the most common sexually transmitted infections in the United States. One in five young people and adults is infected with HSV-2, the virus that causes genital herpes. 

Symptoms of Herpes

Most people who have genital herpes do not show any signs or symptoms. When symptoms do appear, the most common is blisters around the genitals or rectum (butt hole). The blisters break leaving sores that can take 2-4 weeks to heal. The blisters and sores may disappear, but the herpes virus stays in the body. Genital Herpes factsheet from the CDC


There is no cure for genital herpes, but there are drugs available to help treat herpes and make outbreaks less painful. Taking these drugs may also help prevent someone who has herpes from passing it to their partner(s). Find a clinic near you where you can get treatment for genital herpes.

Preventing Herpes

Using condoms consistently and correctly helps prevent the spread of genital herpes. Condoms are extra important because someone who is infected with herpes can still transmit the virus even when they don’t have any symptoms. If you or your sexual partner has blisters, sores, or other signs of herpes infection it is best not to have sex until the sores have healed. After the sores have healed, using condoms every time you have sex will help reduce the risk of passing the virus to an uninfected partner. Dental Dams can also help reduce the risk of passing herpes to an uninfected partner.