SexTech: WTH is GYT? And Sex.Really.

I learned a lot at SexTech this past weekend in SF. Who knew that so many people from across the country got together to talk about sex and technology for two days?

Being that I am a sexual health educator and blogger, I had a great time. It was cool to hear about what other people are doing to get the word out there about the importance of sexual health. But hands down the coolest thing I learned at the conference was about MTV’s its your (sex) life and their GYT campaign. And the funniest thing I saw at the conference was one of the videos from Sex.Really.

Now WTH is GYT exactly? Well, when I think of MTV I think of pointless reality shows like The Hills and Jersey Shore (even though this show is a guilty pleasure of mine but whatever), not public health, so when the VP of Public Affairs at MTV showed up at SexTech and started talking about how MTV teamed up with the Kaiser Family Foundation to launch a new campaign to get people tested, I was really surprised. I was surprised because it is such an awesome idea and because I had never heard about the campaign before (which was annoying because I felt left out of the loop but I guess it shows I’m not watching too much TV.)

Turns out some big celebs like Perez Hilton, Kid Sister, and Santigold are involved in the campaign and have some cool videos up. MTV’s GYT is important because shockingly, by the age of 25, one in two young people will get an STD! Seriously, one person out of every two?! That’s nuts. If anything that should light a fire under your butt to go and get tested and to make sure the person you are hooking up with gets tested too. Because when you think about it, that statistic means that it is either you or your partner who has or is going to get an STD. Freaky.

But on a funnier note, check out the videos at Sex.Really. ! I had never heard about the site until SexTech and I can’t believe that I have gone so long without knowing about it. It is a super relaxed and relatable site that covers a wide range of topics from sex and relationships to love. I like it because they have a video, podcast or blog for almost every issue that most of us will face at some point in our lives.

I am so glad that SexTech introduced me to Sex.Really. and MTV’s its your (sex) life!