Confused about EC? Does EC = abortion? Go to for the facts

What can be done to prevent pregnancy if a condom breaks, you don’t use a regular method of birth control correctly, you have sex without using any method of birth control, or someone has forced you to have sex? You can take Emergency Contraception (sometimes called “EC” or “ECPs”).

What is Emergency Contraception (EC)?

EC pills are very safe pills made from hormones like the ones a teen girl’s body makes after she starts having her menstrual periods. When a certain number of EC pills are taken soon after unprotected sex, they can prevent pregnancy. EC does not work by causing an abortion. Instead, it works by preventing ovulation. Ovulation is when the egg leaves the ovary. A pregnancy can’t happen when there is no egg to meet with sperm.

The most recent scientific research shows that EC works by preventing ovulation (the time when the egg comes out of the ovary). This means if there is no egg to meet with the sperm, you cannot get pregnant. EC may also prevent sperm from getting to the egg.

Where can you get EC?

If you are 16 or younger or don’t have money to buy ECs, you can get ECs free at a clinic.

If you are 17 or older, you can get it without a prescription from your local pharmacy.  Call ahead or check online to make sure your local pharmacy carries EC

When should you take Emergency Contraception?

As soon as possible! The sooner you take it, the better it works to prevent pregnancy.  It can be taken up to 5 days after unprotected sex.  It works the best to prevent pregnancy if taken within 24 hours after unprotected sex.  This is why it is good to get EC in advance so it can be taken if and when it is needed.

Learn more about Emergency Contraception