Don’t let STDs sneak up on you. Many STDs don’t show symptoms. Get Yourself Tested!

Hookup Tip by Jessica and Kristina

There are many different types of STDs and unfortunately, most can be difficult to diagnose on your own (even with the internet!) because they don’t show symptoms.  It’s important to know that a clinician can perform a simple, fast, and affordable test to diagnose STDs.  Here’s a list of some STDs that typically don’t show symptoms, and how you can be tested for them!

  • Chlamydia is one of the most common STDs among young people, and often shows no symptoms.  It typically can be diagnosed by giving a simple urine sample, or by collecting a painless swab sample from the vagina (females) or urethra (males).  
  • Gonorrhea affects over 700,000 people a year, and also doesn’t often show symptoms.  It can be diagnosed with a simple urine test or by collecting a painless swab sample from the vagina, cervix, urethra, rectum, or throat.
  • HIV can take months or years to develop into AIDS, with little to no symptoms or illness.  Health centers offer quick testing options using a swab sample from the cheek, or a blood sample.

It’s important to know your status with regards to any STD and the best way to do that is to get tested!  Find a clinic near you to take the next step.

Muchas ETS no causan síntomas. Que no te sorprendan. Hazte la prueba.