It’s the truth! You can get pregnant your 1st time or on your period.

“Can you get pregnant the first time you have sex?”

YES! You can get pregnant the first time you have sex!! It doesn’t matter if it is the first time, second time, or any time, if you have sex without using birth control, you can get pregnant.

Can you get pregnant even if you don’t have vaginal sex?

YES! If a guy’s semen (cum) is anywhere near your vaginal opening, sperm can swim up inside your body and cause a pregnancy.

“Can you get pregnant if you have sex on your period?”

YES! It is possible for a teen to become pregnant if she has sex while on her period!!  This is because an egg can come out of her ovary close to her period. If she has sex during her period, sperm may be able to live up to a few days and be able to get to the egg to cause a pregnancy. There is no completely “safe” time a teen can have sex and guarantee that she won’t become pregnant.

You can lower your risk of pregnancy by using a method of birth control consistently and correctly.  The only method of birth control that also helps protect against STDs is the condom which you can use together with the birth control pill, the depo-provera shot or another hormonal method.