Missed a period & scared you might be pregnant? Find a clinic near you for a pregnancy test & learn about your options.

“I had unprotected sex and haven’t gotten my period. Is there a chance I am pregnant?”

“My condom broke in the middle of sex. Could she be pregnant?”

The short answer to the questions above is YES. Spending time worrying that you might be pregnant can be scary- especially if you haven’t told anyone yet. Luckily, you do have options, and there are steps you can take to find out if you are pregnant.

  1. If you are scared you might be pregnant and it has been 5 days or less since the time you had unprotected sex, you can use emergency contraception (EC). You can get EC at a clinic, and if you are 17 or older, you can pick it up at your local pharmacy without a prescription.
  2. Finding a clinic near you and getting a safe and confidential pregnancy test will let you know if you are pregnant for sure, and a clinician will talk to you about your options if you are pregnant. The sooner you know, the sooner you can relax and stop worrying, or take the next steps.
  3. Going to a clinic for a pregnancy test also allows you to be tested for STDs, which you should ALWAYS do if you had unprotected sex or didn’t use a condom. Talk about a convenient trip!

If you still have questions about pregnancy, EC, or your rights, visit the Know Your Rights section of Teensource by clicking here.
You can also Find a Clinic to find a clinic near you for a pregnancy or STD test.