STD/HIV testing isn't just for cheaters! It means you care about your health.

19 million new STD infections are diagnosed each year, so the only reputation that should be associated with someone who gets tested for STDs and HIV is SMART!  Not only does getting tested mean that you care about your health, but it also means that you care about your partner’s health!

Some common assumptions about testing:

“I don’t need to get tested for STDs - I feel fine!”

Some STD infections are asymptomatic, which means it doesn’t look or feel like an STD. Even if you feel fine, regular testing is essential if you want to know for sure!

“Chlamydia and gonorrhea are no big deal - they go away on their own.”

Wrong! These STDs never just “go away on their own”.  Bacterial STDs may not seem like a big deal, but untreated chlamydia and gonorrhea can lead to some really painful and harmful health complications, such as infertility. Reinfection can also occur, so it’s important to get tested even if you have been treated for an STD.

“If I get tested for STDs, the clinician will judge me…”

Actually, clinicians respect individuals who are responsible about their sexual health.  And the more information you give a clinician about your risks for HIV and STDs, the more they can help you reduce your risks!

“If I test positive for an STD or HIV, the clinic will tell my parents.”

STD and HIV testing is free and confidential. By California law, clinics cannot call your parents and give them the test results without your consent.

Now that you have the facts, go get tested!