Vaginas are like snowflakes. No two are the same! Each is beautiful.

“Am I normal?”

Lots of girls and women wonder if their vaginal opening and the parts around the vaginal opening look normal. The vaginal opening is where menstrual blood comes out of the body. The name for the vaginal opening, vaginal lips, clitoris and area where the public hair grows is called the vulva. It also includes the very small opening above the vaginal opening where urine leaves the body. It is called the urethral opening.

The truth is that vulvas, just like faces, are unique! No two girls’ vulvas look alike and there is no one “normal” way for one to look. The shape and size and scent of a vulva can change as a girl goes through puberty. Some girls have vaginal lips and clitorises that they consider large or small. The shape of vaginal lips and amount of pubic hair will be different. It doesn’t matter what size, color, or shape they are; they are all normal and perfect just as they are.

What is important to know is that should you ever experience any pain, discomfort, itching, sores, bumps, discharge, bleeding or unusual smells anywhere in your vulva, see a health care provider as they might be the sign of an infection. You can even get an infection if you never have had sex. Sometimes a very simple medicine will take care of the problem.

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